Verify addresses
AY Mail 2. Any Edition
No special skills required
If your recipient's list is not fresh, chances are
that many email addresses are undeliverable. It may
be useful to verify addresses before sending.
AY Mail verifies addresses by connecting to the servers
and initiating email transfer from the sender to each of
the recipients. It then aborts the process as soon as the
response about validity of the recipient address is
It may not work if one of the following happens:
1. Your ISP blocks all the SMTP connections
(so called port 25 block). This frequently happens with
big ISPs who want to prevent their customers from sending
spam. If this happens, all your addresses will be classified
as temporarily undeliverable (with question mark on the
recipient icon) and the status description will be
Cannot Connect To the Server.
In this case, you need to either
negotiate with your ISP, or live without address
verification. This will also prevent you from
using Direct Sending.
2. Your ISP's DNS service does not let you access MX
records. If this is the case, AY Mail will connect to
wrong servers and address verification will be all wrong.
Fortunately, this is a very rare case.
To initiate the address verification process, click on
the Recipients tab and select Recipients->Verify
Addresses from the main menu. In the dialog that
appears, select Verify all addresses.

Address verification usually takes long time. You
can verify between 100 and 200 recipients per minute.
After the verification is done, you will see good
recipients marked with a green check mark and bad
recipients marked with a red cross. Some of the recipients
may be marked with a red question mark. This means that
the recipient has failed, but there is a chance that
the condition is temporary.

You can re-try the verification, but this time
select Verify only temporarily undeliverable
addresses, which will only verify the recipients marked
with the question mark.
After address verification, you can disable failed
recipients by selecting Recipients->Disable
Undeliverables from the main menu. You can
then completely delete the disabled recipients
from your list by selecting Recipients->Remove
You can also verify single addresses by right-clicking
on the address on the Recipients tab, and then selecting
"Verify" from the menu.
Verification does not give you a 100% guarantee
either way. AY Mail tries to be conservative and
does not mark recipients as undeliverable unless
there is a definitive indication of the
Reasons why good recipients may fail:
1. Some ISP may deny your access to their SMTP
server because your IP address is blacklisted.
Email Transport Overview
for details. AY Mail tries to analyze the verbal
response of the server trying to distinguish this
situation from a regular failure. AY Mail will do
its best to mark such recipients as temporarily
2. Mis-configuration on the SMTP server may make it
report a good address as undeliverable. This situation
is impossible to detect.
Reasons why bad recipients may be marked as
1. Some servers do not handle mail, but rather pass
it to other servers. These servers do not know if the
email address exists, so they will accept almost any
address. This is a very common situation.
2. Some servers first accept recipients, and only then deal
with them. Such servers will report your recipient as
good, but then will send you a bounce if the address
does not exist.
Reasons why recipients may be temporarily
1. AY Mail cannot get the address of the server to
connect to. This may be either temporary DNS failure,
or ISP may be out of business.
2. AY Mail cannot connect to the server. The server
may be temporarily down, or it may be no longer working.
3. Connection breaks while talking to the server.
4. Server may report a temporary failure. Server may
be busy, out of memory, out of disk space, over the
quota, or otherwise unable to accept mail.