Java Script
[Professional and Corporate Editions Only]
You can use Java Script to generate all or parts of your message. To engage the script, use the Script macro. Below you can find more details:
Language name: JScript
Distributor: Microsoft Corp.
Web site:
Installation: Java Script is a part of Internet Explorer and is automatically installed on most Windows computers.
Known issues: none
Sample script: This script assumes that the recipient list has data fields Hours and Supervisor and composes a short text based on the values found in these fields.
hours = recipient.Hours;
if (hours.unknown) {
worked = 0;
} else {
worked = hours.value;
left = 10 - worked;
if (left <= 0) {
} else {
document.write(" reports that you ");
if (worked == 0) {
document.write(" have not worked on your assignment. ");
} else {
document.write("only worked for ");
if (worked == 1) {
document.write(" one hour. ");
} else {
document.write(worked + " hours. ");
document.write("You need ");
if (left == 1) {
document.write(" one more hour. ");
} else {
document.write(left + " more hours. ");